We do our best to make sure that all our community members and visitors have access to the best library resources we can offer, including wi-fi, computers, books for all ages, audiobooks, large print books, and space to spend time, work or read.
There is no online catalog, and checkouts are done by the honor system. Fiction is sorted by genre, and nonfiction by the Dewey Decimal System. There are posters and signs in the library to help guide you to whatever subject you may be looking for, as well as an overview of the genres and subjects below.
If you have questions about a specific book or other material, contact us at FHSinME.2022@gmail.com
The Fiction Room is organized by genre, and within genres by author's last name. If a book does not fit any of the specific genres listed, it can likely be found in the General Fiction section. All large print books and audiobooks are in their own sections in the Fiction Room as well. Below are the genre sections you will find in the Fiction Room:
Computer science, library science, encyclopedias, books of facts
Schools of thought, history of philosophy, self–help
Scriptures, history of religion, devotional materials
Sociology, political science (including political commentary and opinions), economics, education, anthropology and cultural studies
Languages and linguistics, phrasebooks, grammar and style
Nature (including field guides), mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, physics
Health and medicine, gardening, food and drink, cookbooks, pets, parenting
Arts, crafts, the outdoors, sports, games, entertainment
"Classics" section in Fiction Room — literary works, anthologies, and books about literature
History, travel memoirs, travel guides, biography, memoir